Is Your Financial Planner Doing the Right Thing?

Use the following checklist to determine your level of comfort with your existing relationship with your financial planner. A competent, ethical planner will seek to understand and meet your needs and will explain the reasons behind his or her decisions and actions.
- My planner is diligent in carrying out his or her activities.
- My planner responds to my phone calls or requests promptly.
- Recommendations are appropriate for my situation.
- I understand what I’m being charged and why.
- I understand and accept my planner’s potential conflicts of interest.
- My interests drive the decisions being made.
- My planner calls and updates me on a regular basis.
- I do not feel pressured to make certain decisions.
- I get adequate information to make good decisions.
- My planner investigates the products he or she recommends.
- I get the service or products I pay for.
- My planner presents his or her qualifications or abilities honestly.
- The staff that works with me is properly supervised.
- My information is kept confidential.